In 2018, Silver Dollar City will debut a first of its kind experience with their latest roller coaster, “Time Traveler.” The Mack Rides manufactured spinning coaster will be Silver Dollar City’s most expensive attraction ever, with a cost of $26 million. With their largest investment ever in the park, Herschend Entertainment will definitely bring a unique roller coaster full of world’s firsts to Silver Dollar City.

Time Traveler will be the first ever spinning coaster to feature a ninety degree drop, launches, and inversions. As the ride pulls out of the station, riders will plummet down a ninety degree drop and directly into a vertical loop. Afterwards, the ride will go through a 3,020 foot long course featuring multiple magnetic launches, several twists and turns, a dive loop, and a zero-g roll. Along the way, the ride’s cars will be spinning on a path controlled by a magnetic spin control.


Not only will many of the ride’s elements be unique, but the ride system itself is. The cars being used on the ride will be the first installation of Mack Rides’s new spinning coaster car system.


Are you excited for Silver Dollar City’s 2018 addition? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Theme Parks and Travels on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for more coverage of theme park news! You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Finally, you can also subscribe to us on Apple News by searching “Theme Parks and Travels” in the app!

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